Mobility exercises
- Hip
The hip joint is not only responsible for providing a stable base for the spine to keep the body in an upright position, but it also allows for a wide range of motion that facilitates distal movement of our lower limbs. Mobility restrictions in this joint can affect crucial movement patterns such as squatting, running, and jumping. It is essential to have adequate levels of hip mobility for your sports performance, and even more so for daily life. Range of motion and motor control are important requirements to maximize daily performance.
One of the strategies to improve this aspect is joint mobility exercises. When performed properly and consistently, these exercises can lead to improvements in joint mobility. Exercises: 1 - Hip 90/90 2 - Couch Stretch 3 - Adductor Stretch 4 - Pigeon Pose to Hip Flexor Stretch 5 - Cossack Squat