Pain and Pleasure

Breaking the stigma of pain during sexual intercourse and how Physiotherapy can help

  • Pelvic and Women's Health
Physiotherapist helping a patient.

Is it normal to feel pain during sexual intercourse? Is it normal to feel pain during sex? Is it normal to feel ashamed to talk about it? Is it normal to hesitate when seeking help? It is not normal! It is common, and it is essential to denormalize these feelings. Sexual intercourse and sexual acts represent an intimate moment, characterized by various behaviors adopted by individuals with the primary goal of obtaining physical and emotional pleasure. Pain during these moments, generally classified as dyspareunia, has been normalized and restricted only to pain with vaginal or anal penetration. The truth is that pain during sexual activity should be identified as any pain present in individuals of both sexes, during any type of sexual act, with or without penetration, alone or with a partner, and dependent or not on factors such as position, location, predisposition, etc. There are several described physical and psychological causes that may be behind it. The most common and frequently discussed include: • Lack/reduction of lubrication; • Injuries to the sexual organs (scars, fissures, muscular, dermatological, or nerve injuries, etc.); • Psychological changes (such as anxiety and anticipation of pain) due to past trauma or ongoing pain; • Decreased pelvic floor function. These causes can stem from various conditions (such as genito-pelvic pain disorder, endometriosis, etc.), menopause, pregnancy and postpartum, infections, inflammation, oncological treatment, and more. The variety of origins, causes, and consequences highlights the importance of seeking specialized and professional help so that sexual activity fulfills its primary purpose: physical and emotional pleasure. Pelvic Physiotherapy, in conjunction with a multidisciplinary team, plays a fundamental role in treating sexual pain, especially in: • Conducting a detailed and holistic assessment; • Reducing/alleviating pain; • Increasing body and pelvic floor awareness; • Improving muscle function; • And more. ForPhysio offers personalized assessments and specialized interventions tailored to the real needs of each individual. Eliminating taboos and denormalizing pain are essential for ensuring a pleasurable sex life.

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